This one had that EXTREME insanity and intensity only seen in other great Fanimutations like Boom Boom Dolla, GenderNeutral, PokeyAndTheOmbaoojiebaseo, Shumway, and TheRichardKeilExperience, and has earned its place among the top of the charts.
I especially liked the scenes with the guy from the Zelda commercial adjusting his glasses, and the scene with the inverted colors Amy Rose with Tricky the Clown. The video game parodies were also very nice. The only other really funny stuff was the guy dressed up as Toad. The overlord hamburger was cool too. Not to mention that the music was just plain insane.
You need a better preloader, I could send you the one I use if you want it.
How long did it take you to make this thing? It looks like it took forever!